ProductivityBoss, like other malicious adware, is created by cybercriminal. Once it sneaks inside your computer successfully, it can not only play as annoying trouble, but also an invisible killer. First, it can mess up default settings and other existing programs under your computer by randomly alerting them. For example, it will add many plug-ins and other applications into your browser affecting the performance of your browser. Sometime, your browser can uncontrollably redirect to an unfamiliar website to generate its traffic, and lots of ads from ProductivityBoss will take place your screen. You think you can shut it down, but they are definitely will come back when you start a new page. Moreover, praying for that nothing significant like your bank card information stored in your PC for which ProductivityBoss is able to monitor your browsing, and anything valuable could be recorded on purpose.
To stop the disaster bought by ProductivityBoss, you need to clean up this adware from your computer completely. Basically, you can choose to delete all malicious files, programs, applications related to ProductivityBoss from your computer, or you can select an efficient removal tool to automatically solve this problem,
Get a Close Look at ProductivityBoss:

How to Solve This Problem?
Solution 1: Manually deleting all malicious things from your computer.
Solution 1 for Removing ProductivityBoss:
First Step- Uninstall ProductivityBoss from Windows Control Panel1. Open Control Panel using instructions below according to your operation system.
For Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7:
a) Click on the "Start" button on the lower-left of your monitor.
b) Locate and select "Control Panel".


a) Hover your mouse on the bottom left corner of the computer screen and wait for the icon to appear.
b) Right-click on the icon to display list of accessible programs.
c) Double-click "Control Panel" icon from the list.

2. When you have Control Panel window open, click on "Add or Remove Program" or "Programs and Features" (if you're using Windows XP/Vista/7). Or find and select "Uninstall a program" under Programs area if you're using Windows 8.


3. Your next display now shows a screen that lists programs that are installed on your computer. Scroll through the list to look for the icon, and then select it to start ridding it from your computer by clicking "Remove" or "Uninstall" button.

4. On the next prompt, you need to confirm the uninstall process and press "OK" to proceed with the removal.

5. When all steps are done, reboot your computer regularly to apply all made changes.
Second Step- Remove ProductivityBoss from your web browser
For Internet Explorer users:
1. Open Internet Explorer, go to ‘Tools’ → ‘Manage Add-ons’ → ‘Toolbars and Extensions’.

3. After that, make sure you change your start page.
For Mozilla Firefox users:
1. Access Mozilla Firefox, go to ‘Tools’ → ‘Add-ons’ → ‘Extensions’.

2. Look for Browsing Protection and similar unfamiliar items, and then click ‘Uninstall’.
3. Once you remove it, remember to change the start page.
For Google Chrome users:
1. Click on the Chrome menu button on the Google Chrome browser, select ‘Tools’ → ‘Extensions’.

2. Then search for Browsing Protection or similar unwanted extensions and delete them by tapping the Recycle Bin.
3. Changing start page after that.
Third Step- Find out and remove all infectious processes, files and registry values
1. Get into the safe mode with networking:

(Guides: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or Press the Start button->click on the Run option->Type in taskmgr and press OK.)

3. Remove these ProductivityBoss associated files on your hard drive.
4. Open the Registry Editor and delete the following entries created by ProductivityBoss:
(Steps: Hit Win+R keys and then type regedit in Run box and click on OK)

5. To make sure if it works, you should restart your computer to have a check.
Solution 2 for Removing ProductivityBoss:
1:Click the following button to download SpyHunter.

3:Follow the steps in the installation instructions.

4:Click Finish, then it can be installed into your computer successfully.

6:Tick Select All and then Remove to get rid of all detected threats.

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